CRM is a must in today's marketing efforts. In the past, the cost and complexity were barriers to adoption. Now there are no excuses. Not only does a CRM help manage and standardize your data but it will keep you on track for investor follow-ups.

Start early - implement on day 1
Make sure your marketing processes are embedded in your CRM
Layout your processes and investor points of contacts (how do you generate a lead, how do you follow up, what is your process to close, etc.)
What are you sending to investors and why are you sending it
Timing of contacts
Goals: Lead generation, efficiency, tracking, follow-through, accountability, etc.
CRM selection
When evaluating a CRM think about these key parameters:
Ease of use
Can it be customized to mirror your processes?
Reporting and be able to generate actionable data
Data storage - max capacity
9 key functionality to look out for
Most CRMs are similar so make sure they have some key functionality.
Integration: email and calendar at the minimum
Customized fields
Tracking - deals, interactions, etc.
Actionable dashboards
Easy to import and export
Upload notes
Email templates - key emails you tend to send over and over - This alone will save you tremendous time.
Documents management (marketing presentation, fact sheet/one-pager, monthly reporting, letters, DDQ, etc.) - Make sure all your marketing assets are as close to finalization as possible.
Easy to use and navigate - Is it easy to navigate through the CRM to implement your process. How long does it take to create a contact or deal? One manager told me it took them 30 minutes to create a new contact and deal.
CRMs are amazing because it allows you to scale your time and helps you follow through. PrimeAlpha can help you organize your CRM and optimize your process and time.